PIQUE is a collaborative design practice founded for the purpose of creating exceptional art and architecture interventions. Initially formed as a close group of three directors, PIQUE has evolved into an internationally recognized design practice known for thoughtful and considered design solutions that reflect the influences of our clients, our design professionals and our growing team of international design collaborators. 

Architecture is about experience.  More than the framing of space and the articulation of form, architecture helps choreograph life’s experiences, and we consider this a paramount concern when we design our projects.  Just as the word ‘pique’ means to stimulate or capture one’s attention, we see every project - regardless of scale - as an opportunity to explore the ways in which the specific architecture response to your brief will enhance your life experience.  Fundamentally, buildings provide shelter and meet program requirements.  For us, a building will only be considered successful when it provides some unexpected delight, and contributes exceptionally to its place, when it converts opportunity into reality in imaginative ways and far exceeds those fundamental requirements.

Peter Jahnke
Peter co-founded PIQUE in 2000 as a collaborative research and design studio.  As the studio has evolved into a professional practice, Peter's creativity in project conception, his talents in design communication and dedication to create work of the highest international quality keep PIQUE looking forward.  Peter holds a Master of Architecture degree from Montana State University and has travelled extensively.  He has worked with internationally renowned architects in New York City and Paris, France.  Peter resides in Belgium where he holds credentials as an architect and where he has established a strong reputation for PIQUE.  Peter has an insatiable passion for all things architecture and strives always to expand his knowledge of the profession.  This passion defines the culture of PIQUE.
Eric Meglasson
Eric joined PIQUE in 2005 with the goal of establishing a level of professionalism, customer service, and construction administration to match PIQUE's recognized design excellence.  Based in Bend, Oregon, Eric's drawing rigor and attention to detail has helped establish the group as key players in the 'built' environment.   By transforming the potentially mundane details associated with building assembly into opportunities to explore materiality, light, and structure, Eric has been pivotal in establishing PIQUE's reputation as both high quality designers, and designers of meticulously constructed projects.  Eric's goal is to draw out the best from contractors and consultants, resulting in a quality of construction rarely found on today's job-sites. Eric holds a Masters of Architecture degree from Montana State University, and has vast experience working on a variety of project types at various scales.
Keith Ballantyne
Keith is an architect registered in Montana and Washington State.  Keith co-founded PIQUE seeing it as a unique vehicle to pursue architectural ideas that aspire to achieve significance beyond the realms of fashion or trend. Now residing in Montana after recently finishing a period as lecturer in architectural design and technology at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, he has reengaged practice with a new focus. His particular interests lie in contemporary architectural technology and in architectural narrative.

Craig Miller ( yourlivingplaces.com ) - Bozeman, MT |
Celine Van Impe ( cvi-architectures.be )- Liege, Belgium |
Piper Lucas - Bend, OR |
Jacob Schell - Ancorage, AK |
Wim Mortelmens - Antwerp, Belgium |
Bruno Ledant - ( archiled.be ) Liege, Belgium |
Christina Ballantyne - Fort Benton, MT|
Gwyn Ganjeau - Seattle, WA|

Ballantyne Design Associates - Fort Benton, MT | www.ballantynedesign.com


peter jahnke founder